Surveillance gadgets for the holidays Posted by Staff (11/21/2012 @ 9:30 am) 
We can gripe all we want about privacy, but the plain fact is that we can now be recorded for video and sound just about anywhere. Of course this is useful for fun for people interested in tracking others, and that’ where surveillance gadgets come into play. With super-small HD video recorders, we’re seeing all sorts of surveillance and video recording equipment getting pushed in the consumer market. Now anyone can channel their inner 007 and spy on others. Above we have a photo of the new Sony Digital Binoculars priced at $1,999. Look into the first fully digital, 3D, high-def-recording binoculars and you’re not gazing through glass, you’re observing dual independent electronic viewfinders. Why’s that better? You can adjust the image, focus instantly, and with the push of a button start recording the identical view in 1080p high-def, and 3D. The possibilities for the DEV-5 are limitless—birding, sports action, checking out that apartment across the street with the hot neighbor who always leaves the lights on… ok, maybe not (better to simply take advice from The Girl Next Door by getting her tips on love, sex, and dating sent right to your inbox).
Along the same lines we have the Pivothead HD Recording Sunglasses which can be used to record everything around you with POV video. You can record your adventures, but also record other people of course. 
Just keep in mind your local privacy laws when using these devices. It’s one thing to record video out in public, but it’s quite another to record people when they have an expectation of privacy. Posted in: Gadgets, Privacy, Surveillance Tags: 007, gadgets gift guide, high-def-recording binoculars, Holiday Gift Guide, local privacy laws, Pivothead HD Recording Sunglasses, recording binoculars, recording sungalsses, Sony Digital Binoculars, spying on others, surveillance cameras, surveillance equipment, surveillance gadgets, surveillance gifts
Privacy, telematics and car insurance Posted by Staff (05/28/2012 @ 12:16 pm) 
Here’s a fascinating story of how car insurance companies can monitor your driving. When Zshavina Meacher of Cleveland traded in her car for a new 2011 Chevy Malibu last summer, her insurance premium jumped to $510 every six months. Her insurer, Progressive Corp., asked her whether she wanted to cut her rate. If Meacher agreed to install a device in her car that monitors how safely she drives and the results were good, her rates would go down. If the results weren’t so good, her rates would stay the same. She agreed. During the first few weeks, the device told Meacher that she slammed on her brakes a lot. She stopped the hard braking. In February, the 23-year-old’s insurance bill dropped by $120 per six months, or 24 percent. Meacher is happy her rates went down. And Progressive is happy the risk of Meacher getting into an accident went down. Fewer claims will help keep Mayfield-based Progressive profitable. If you haven’t heard of telematics — a device that monitors your driving — then get ready. While Progressive started dabbling in telematics in the 1990s, it started pushing it in 2010 with its “Snapshot” program, and other insurers have stepped up interest in the last year.
Of course this is voluntary monitoring, and safe drivers can save money on their car insurance, but it raises all sorts of privacy issues. What’s next? Will health insurers want constant monitoring of our heart rates to see if we are exercising? Posted in: Gadgets, Privacy, Surveillance Tags: auto insurance, auto insurance rates, automobile insurance, automobile insurance rates, car insurance, car insurance rates, health insurance, health insurance monitoring, reduce my auto insurance, reduce my automobile insurance, reduce my car insurance, surveillance equipment, surveillance gadgets, telematics, telematics and privacy, telematics in insurance, telematics issues, trading privacy for discounts
Security gifts for the home Posted by Staff (12/17/2011 @ 5:16 pm) The holidays are here so everyone is going crazy getting gifts. One area that is perhaps overlooked at times for gifts is home security, though now with all sorts of surveillance gadgets tied to the Internet, you have some really cool options in this area that can make for great gifts.
Here’s one that is highlighted in the Holiday Gift Guide for the home: iZON Remote Room Monitor If anyone in your family or circle of friends has just had a baby or is expecting, this cool new monitor from Stem Innovation makes a great gift. This innovative and elegant video camera enables you to view and listen to activity in your home or office from anywhere in the world on your iPod touch, iPhone or iPad. You can use it as a baby monitor, or as a monitor in your home when the babysitter is watching your kid. It can also be used as a security device as well so it also makes a great gift for anyone who’s interested in a video monitor. Privacy is also protected ensured as iZON uses secure encryption to stream video and audio through your local wireless network. Set up multiple iZON on a single network and view in a list within the app.
It’s amazing how flexible these tools are these days, and here you have an easy dual use device that can be a baby monitor but also so much more. It’s a great way to keep an eye on your home, kids, pets etc. Check it out. Posted in: Internet, Security, Surveillance Tags: 2011 holiday gift guide, best security apps, cool security apps, fun security apps, home security, hot security apps, Internet surveillance, iZON Remote Room Monitor, killer security apps, online surveillance, protect your home, remote surveillance, security app reviews, security apps, security for your home, security gadget reviews, security gadgets, streaming surveillance, surveillance cameras, surveillance equipment, surveillance gadgets